2011年5月31日 星期二


Spotting a TV repoorter taping live on the sidewalk this afternnoon, I suddenly realized that the top news site of the day was something called “On the Street Where You Live” and this YOU is none other than our mayor Donald Tsang (曾蔭權).

The Chief Executive and his wife make their home in the Governaor’s Mansion. But he owns an apartment on this street (pic: 62 Macdonnell Road, from 110601AD) for the memory of his father who passed away in the 1990s. Now it is suspected of having an illegal structure added to the original premises..

As expected, Donald said the structure in question had already been there when he bought it and that it was not challenged, at least not by the authority in charge of building codes.

I believe him. But so many people hate him. He would need some luck to get away. The storm will develop until another bigger storm overwrites the present one.

But it is interesting to know that, “on the street where Donald ‘lives’”, there are at least three well-known political figures at both ends of the political spectrum.

Let’s see if any of them will be caught by the media in this respect, and if the treatment they obtain from the media is in line with the current political division.

I like the song "On the Street Where You Live“. Guess Donald may be now singing "Reporters stare and look. They don't bother me......"















報章刊登〈北韓版幸福指數 中國居首美包尾〉的新聞,顯然是借來罵北韓只要稍為明理都會覺得,這項調查一如這個國家,剛好與常理相反。北韓比Orwell1984》所描述的更荒誕。



無網絡可用?4GGalaxy Tab預告下月出爐:22.6厘米or 25.6厘米,200萬像素,OS Android,雙核,499-599美元。


這與艾未未開口閉口操你媽剛好相反。必須承認,我比較反動嚮往貴族性,敬重宗教性。但英雄是社會的產物。艾未未所反映的是內地百姓,甚至文藝界的口味。若此,我只能說:Good luck, but fuck.




主持Frank Ching(秦家驄,居港的美國華人,胡紅玉夫婿,1970-80年代《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》記者,中國開放改革初期派駐北京,回歸前精英壓力團體Hong Kong Obesrvers成員):民主大國美國經濟日走下坡,獨裁政權中國卻如日方中,是否擔心別國都以中國為榜樣。答:「中國的經濟發展肯定是不可思議的。但另一方面,中國也不能否認的確存在社會問題,連緬甸也感受得到。」(緬甸北部邊界有三不管地帶,部份與中國接壤。由於來往頻繁,而中方一邊富裕,邊界地區時有問題。緬甸曾出兵掃蕩,導致不少人死亡,包括一些中國人。)



昂山引用格言認為,「不應以好壞善惡、智愚賢劣來把人分類」,而應分為「為學者」(learners)與「非為學者」(non-learners),兩者之間為「學習能力不同」和「有能力更正錯誤」的人,最成功的人是能夠用行動以表達所關心的事。至於囚禁她的軍方領袖,「They are not very fast learners」(並非學得得很快的人)。我們「要很有耐性」,「有責任幫助他們學得快一些,為國家作出好的貢獻。」

2011年5月27日 星期五

110527晴閱報:More confrontation

六四趨近,風聲鶴唳,抓人之餘,安檢學美國?江西撫州市政府大樓爆炸,昨看電視只說2人死亡,但今AD說5連爆18死 農民不滿強拆 炸政府大樓 檢察院〉。撫州去年 9 9曾有一家3口自焚反強拆。據說這次的〈兇手上訪 10年無果〉。這類定時炸彈還有多少?




The most stupid question you can think of, especially coming from someone on top: Why can’t I be another Li Kashing? Why can you, the one who raised the question, be Li Kashing first? The Vice President of the United States will never tell young people to be another Bill Gates or even Mark Zuckerberg.


可能是全港唯一沒有人同情的人:高調向最高當局逼宮後,陳振聰遭突擊拘提 酒店押走直送警署法院頭條)。〈保釋金歷來第三高 籌唔到〉。後著當陸續有來。



《東方》專欄〈爭國土縮手縮腳 花國財大手大腳〉,外交部和國防部齊罵。




No problem if the reverse is true:中文寫英人口供惹官怒罵Carrying the power and status of users, languages are not equal. Thousands of parents are more than willing to pay several million HKD to put their kids into the best international school. But I doubt if any parent will pay a fraction of that amount to put their kids into Chinese-language schools like the one I attended.

法官自以為是似乎相當普遍〈官﹕(候選人)辦講座似送紙巾 無賄選意圖〉。講座面對數有限的同行選民;當街派紙巾無特定對象,如此對比太不用腦!



報章指分稅制令稅收都給了中央,地方只有發展房地產。他說:「狗屁!」舉例說,去年全國財政收入 8.3萬億元人民幣,當中地方直接收入,連同中央還給地方,地方合共收入7.3萬億元;餘下才是中央。攻擊分稅制,如《中國農民調查》說,「根本就是無知!」


文摘:AD緬懷過去老三陽見證 40年繁榮代價




03年開放自由行初期,羅素街仍無太多鐘錶珠寶店。「06 07年開始,鐘錶店越開越多。」因為貨品較內地便宜,加上人民幣升值,鐘錶店搶租。





戰歌“Onward CE fighters, marching as to war”響起後,太上裁判將不得不加快吹雞。把老蔣當年重返大陸的空言由「年」改成「月」,所謂「一月準備,兩月反攻,三月掃蕩,五月成功」,真命天子應「大約在冬季」誕生。

2011年5月25日 星期三







As for writing in English, I would try from time to time. But my language is as handicapped as ‘My Speech’ (see a previous blog.). Writing in English requires more than twice the amount of time as writing in Chinese. Don’t expect too much.

Looking forward to the showdown of two dynasties early Sunday morning. Personally, I hope Barcelona will win. They play better aesthetically. But football is not a game the best will win. Counting factors including ‘home’ crowd (Wimbledon Stadium in London), vigor and luck, Manchester has a upper hand.

Good luck, Barcelona, you need it.


一是內地買菜阿嬸參賽,演出西方歌劇經典的中國賣菜版,比英國大娘Susan Boyle和台灣的小胖更驚人,音調比女高音還要高。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN-uZGkDaoA&feature=share












2011年5月19日 星期四

110519Th: Ich bin ein Berliner

Spotted an interesting title on the June cover of the trendy Monocle on the newstand yesterday. If I remember correctly (I did not write it down, thought I could get in on the web. But I was wrong), it’s something like “Ich bin ein Berliner …..immigrants from the former East.”, about the only complete German sentence I can understand from taking a four-week intensive course about 40 years ago. (The other sentence I know “Ich lieber dich.” simply has no application for most non-German speaking people in their life time.)

What a coincidence. My wife and I travelled with two Berliners to Beijing last month. An artist couple, the husband Alexander is a sculptor-painter-set decorator and his American wife Sommer a chereographer and stage director.

Alexander grew up in former East Berlin, made his career decision at about five or six, a leader in his school days. Made his name very early in his career. When the East Germany regime collapsed with the Wall, he was about twenty. But strangely, he takes this watershed change in his life quite calmly, does not have much complain about his 'former' life under communist rule, and not much praise about his current life under capitalist freedom and prosperity.

And just as coincidental, during the week we spent together in Beijing, Alexander’s fellow sculptor in the Chinese capital Ai Weiwei(艾未未) was incommunicado after being taken away by the authority. Presumably feeling suffocating and unsafe in his homeland, Ai had just bought a gallery in Alexander’s city and planned to emigrate. If not for the incident, these two artists, both “grew up under the red flag” (在紅旗下長大)as the Chinese say, may meet in Beijing and soon again in Berlin to share their work and experiences. But now, I doubt if they would meet any time soon.

As a matter of fact, it was the first Asian trip for Alexander and Sommer, planned long before Ai’s incident. Alexander was more interested in seeing what China was like, especially art works in public spaces than plunging himself into the Chinese art sea.

We don’t know each other before this trip, happen to be on the boat at the courtesy of an artist friend from Hong Kong who has a SOHO in Beijing. No, not that famous glass tower in the so-called CBD area, but an apartment decorated in the style of a New York loft in which our host works with Beijing artists for their joint projects.

The works that Alexander showed me in his Mac are in general pretty abstract, even carrying a sense of darkness (http://www.alexanderpolzin.de/). But the one scuplture which makes Tel Aviv University its permanent home is so transparent even for an illiterate like me, and indeed would resonate with many Chinese. It is the upper part of a person with his or her mouth blocked by a raised arm extending from one side of the body to the other. And that person is not anyone, but the father of Western philosophy Socrates. (figure) A well-known art work about this ancient Greek tragic figure is a painting showing him taking poison in accorddance with the sentence he received for ‘corrupting’ the youth by asking them to ‘question’ conventional thoughts. As later generations may think stupid, Socrates refused to go into exile and chose to become a martyr for seeking the truth. This attitude towards authoritarian sentences against freedom of expression and thought was repeated about 500 years later by Jesus of Nazareth, now Palestine.

Alexander’s works are basically expressions of his thought. If there is a political overtune, it’s minimal. In sharp contrast, the works of Ai are pure protests. I am not sure if they have values as art other than that. Judging from his behaviorial art in which he wears nothing except covering his genital area with a symbolic penis while at the same time, using homonyms in Chinese to kind of ‘deface’ the commnunist party (2 figures), Ai is tryiing to use expressions as vulgar as possible to provoke a regime which in his eyss may be the most vulgar on earth, get them to lose temper and throw themselves on him, thus exposing how insecure the regime is.

In Chinese, one may say Ai’s strategy towards the regime is以毒攻毒 (treating poison with an even stronger one). And the sympathy that he receives in China is a sign of the sickenss of a society in which suppression and reation continue to escalate in a multually reinforcing circle. It may be that Ai does not mind if he pushes to the point of make and break. Since in that case, there will be revolution like the one which knocked down the Berlin wall in late 1989, in Chinese another 蘇東波. And being an artist, he may not too concerned with a possible societal chaos or economic standstill.

So, Alexander’s attitude towards the former East German regime is very different. But judging from his Socrates sculpture, he is against suppression of expression.

Indeed, Alexander does not seem to be a typical Westerner to me, far from the confident and expressive Americans whom I see more often. But it does not means he is cold and self-centered. Although tall by East Asia standard and with the good look of a movie star, he is shy, taciturn, humble, with a gentle and sometimes mischievous smile which you see in a traditional Eastern child.

Only when he cracks up on good jokes, almost jumping on his chair gag, gag, gap……, or when his eyes shine on sweets, especially chocolates, he shows his Westernness, more like an American kid. And only in the way that he is particular about everything well planned ahead of time and pursuing a spotless hygiene condition, you see a German in him.

As for Sommer, although she was the one that did the most talking while Alexander sat and listened repectfully (and smiled), we unfortunately did not hear much about her work. Other than that, the only question I have about her is if she chooses to be a stand-up comedian, an English-German bilingual one, she may be able to create a phenomenon.

When we parted, I suggested that they visit Japan next time, guess the neat, clean, order, tranquility of Japanese aesthetics will fit perfectly with Alexander. Indeed, they immediately name Miho (美秀) Museum, the one designed by the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei (貝聿銘) near Osaka as their first choice.

Best from Hong Kong to Berlin.












2011年5月17日 星期二

110517Tu occasional drizzle: A Concert More Than I can Expect

i carry your heart with me

by Edward Estlin Cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in

my heart)i am never without it(anywhere

i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done

by only me is your doing,my darling)

i fear

no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet) i want

no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Invited to a all-female concert last Friday. Courtesy of a friend and her family.

Very unassuming in appearance for a high-powered cultural event. An out of the way venue with a minimalist setting. (albeit on the street where I lived when I came to Hong Kong in 1957.) Little stage setup. Minimal sound effects. And no costume. Cramped in folding chairs, the audience was maybe smaller than the number of performers.

I am a music illiterate but have heard about the legend of these 'wonder girls' for a long time, always wanted to see how good they are.

Luck finally strikes. They rounded up all the annual music prizes among their peers but the meager venue they have been using for the last two years is coming to an end. Although long the ‘Manchester United’ in their league, receiving prizes is routine, a clean sweep in a year I guese is unique. I don’t remember if MU has done that. To celebrate this year’s achievement and say goodbye to the music factory which has nurtured them, a summer concert was given, presenting the works they call pride.

It is my closest encounter with performers ever (except once in a small theater accommodating about 20 people). May be because of some misunderstanding, I was sitting in the first row, separated from the orchestra only by a narrow passage for people to pass. The conductor was about five feet from me and the first violin about three. I could almost hear them breathe. When the members of the orchestra changed seating, I sometimes leaned to one side in my chair so that celloists could transport their instruments pass me with some ease.

But under such conditions, the concert was one of the best I have ever had. It made me see the power of music, how it touches and changes people even if one does not know what it means, not understand a word they sing. I have been to performances of monumental works like Beethoven’s No. 9, Handel’s Messiah by big name orchestras and choruses from the West but have never felt this way. May be this is the difference between professionals who do a job and amateurs who perform with a heart.

No less important, seeing my hosts perform, I no longer doubt about Hong Kong having young talents as well as happy youths with the right mind. I can understand that these 300 some young women are Hong Kong’s cream of the crop. But they remind me that we should not let news make us to believe that our youths deteriorate from one generation to another and now only those fighting the establishment in front of news cameras are worth mentioning while those feel happy are simply too naïve too help the society for any good. One can be talented and happy and concerned at the same time. I am sure these women will make a difference in the next 20-30 years.

May be the audience was not able to follow the lyrics as closely and may be we don't have the communal feeling these girls have for each other, the music moved members of the choir more than we. They were so immersed in their music, enjoying it so much that quite a number of them wept as they sang. I have never seen such emotional yet touching performance anywhere. The closest thing may be friends singing in Karaokes after a few drinks.

I have always felt that in their work Hong Kong people are only good to the extent they deliver what they are paid for. But otherwise, we are too shrewed to be dedicated to any particular job. We are professionals, working with expertise, but in order to be most prosperous, carefully separating job with the love for excellence. We avoid throwing in our dedication, afraid that we may be one day bogged down by a single job or skill. Very few of us are proud of what we do and strive for perfection, not just for the money and status. We work with our body, at most with the logical part of our brain, but save our hearts and minds for private consumption.

The DGS performers last Friday is the first large group in Hong Kong I saw which pulls in all their hearts and minds on stage. If we can learn from them, dedicate ourselves to a worthy cause and enjoy it, complain less and concern more, Hong Kong can change.

You may wonder why I said nothing about what the girls performed. As I said, I know nothing about music, in no position to comment on the program except to say, I don’t remember going to a more enjoyable concert. It is much more than I can expect.

But after seeing so many happy and talented young women, I do have one doubt. As a journalist, I wonder if Hong Kong would be able to offer them what they want and deserve. If not, we would lose them.

One video on YouTube shows the girls waving a Hong Kong SAR flag and chanting the Chinese national anthem heartily after returning to Hong Kong winning some trophy somewhere. Where will these girls be five years from now?

Right on and good luck, DGS girls. 世界是你們的。

No matter where you go, "Carry our heart with you" and "Stand Together" just as you sang.

Finally, I thank my hosts who brought me and my wife to the concert, especially our young host Florence who also performed.

In addition to music illiteracy, I have many doubts writing in English which is simply not my expertise. But to salute them, just will have to go the hard way.

And please to correct whatever mistakes there may be in this piece. Leave me a message. And I will amend it.

And, if you know of pictures taken that evening showing the performance, i would like to post a few.