2016年6月17日 星期五

160617五30°C80%:《River of No Return》


   注:《River of No Return》是荷里活薄命紅顏Marilyn Monroe(瑪莉蓮夢露)1954年同名電影的主題曲,由非歌星出身的女神用性感的喉音親自演繹(開場的版本是男歌手唱的)。公映時我還在廣州讀小學,來港後先父帶我看的工餘場。但至今難忘主題曲的韻味,女神版比男版更多一分幽怨。戲裡歌詞裡的love,今天會有人聯想到家國之情。當然,love不歸後,往往就是hate入主:

Um~if you listen, you can hear it call,wailerie
There is a river
Called the River of No Return
Sometimes it's peaceful
And sometimes wild and free

Love is a traveler
On the River of No Return
Swept on forever
To be lost in the stormy sea

I can hear the river call (no return, no return)
I can hear my lover call come to me
(no return, no return)

I lost my love on the river
And forever my heart will yearn
Gone gone forever
Down the River of No Return
Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee wail-a-re-e-ee
She'll never return to me

(no return, no return)

2 則留言:

安妮坦 提到...

Dr Tsui
I have a menu suggestion on intake of food.
When you cook a big bowl of rice, you can add two to four bowls of soup after filling full a big bowl of cooked rice.
The soup can be white carrots with soft boiled cubed pork or beef (cattle belly).
I learnt that you are sick in these years and still working hard for life and livings.
The menu recipe is taken and familiar in northern China. Old Chinese call it "soft wave rice" (泡飯).
It is good for your appetite since soup is an easy and fine state of dishes.
Try it for you.
Hong Kong restaurants are commonly putting it on specials.
Anita Cheung

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